Our individual and corporate worship brings us into union with Christ. Our relationship with Christ, in turn, empowers us for spiritual growth and service.
The heart of Christian growth is what Scripture calls union with Christ. Through the Holy Spirit, we are connected to Christ, who forgives us and changes us as we abide in him through word and sacrament.
What Christ has done for us leads us to serve one another and our community. We support many missions, caring for "the least of these" -- for the poor, for refugees, for broken families, for troubled children, and for all who come our way.
With Christians everywhere, we worship the only true God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – who is both one essence and three persons. God is infinite and eternal. He is the source of all goodness, all truth and all beauty, of all love and all life,
God's Word
The clearest declaration of God’s glory is found in His Word. Jesus is the full expression of the Father’s nature, and in him all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are found. The written Word grants us those treasures, proclaims the saving gospel of Jesus Christ, and teaches all that is necessary for faith and life.
God declared that the world He created was good and that human beings, made in His own image, were very good. God further created human beings with the capacity for relationship with Him, with His law written on our hearts so that we have the ability to worship Him in love and obey Him by living holy lives.
Sin and Grace
We do not naturally love God and our neighbor, and worship idols of our own devising rather than the one true God. Our desires are no longer trustworthy guides to goodness. What seems natural to us no longer corresponds to God’s design. Our only hope is God’s grace. We discover in Scripture that this is a great hope, for our God is the One whose mercy is from everlasting to everlasting.
Those who are united through faith with Jesus Christ are fully forgiven from all our sin, so that there is indeed a new creation. We are declared justified, not because of any good that we have done, but only because of God’s grace extended to us in Jesus Christ.
Christian Living
In Jesus Christ we see the expression of God’s will for human beings offered to God in our place. As we live in union in Christ by faith, God’s will is written on our hearts. As the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, Jesus leads us along the path of life toward that goal, bringing us into ever deeper intimacy with the Triune God, in whose presence is fullness of joy.
The Church
In Christ the dividing wall of hostility created by nationality, ethnicity, gender, race, and language differences is brought down. God created people to reflect the rich variety of human beings. The church must already now begin to reflect the reality of people from every tribe, and tongue, and nation bringing the treasures of their kingdoms into the new city of God.
The End
In Christ, God is bringing about the restoration of all things. Scripture promises that all that has been list will be restored. All of those in Christ will live in new bodies on a new earth. All of this happens at the return of Jesus Christ, the "blessed hope," which gives us strength to work toward the restoration of all things now.